OSHA-Enters-into-Partnership-with-Erie-Institute-of-Technology-ImageThe U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced a partnership with Erie Institute of Technology to promote the importance of workplace safety and health for students and staff. Local employers in the construction, manufacturing and service industries that frequently hire students are included in the alliance.

OSHA is the federal agency responsible for enforcing workplace safety laws. In addition, OSHA spends a good deal of time and money to educate workers about their rights in the workplace and help employers understand safety regulations and the consequences of violating those regulations. One of the rights of workers is the right to receive workers’ compensation benefits after an on-the-job injury.

The alliance will provide information on OSHA “emphasis programs” at the local, regional and national level. According to OSHA, local emphasis programs are “intended to address hazards or industries that pose a particular risk to workers in the office’s jurisdiction.”

Both OSHA and Erie Institute of Technology will also be participating in round-table discussions, forums and stakeholder meetings aimed at providing input into safety and health-related issues in the workplace. The program hopes to explain the occupational safety and health laws and standards as well as the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.

“By joining forces, we will help save lives, prevent injuries and illnesses and raise public awareness about issues critical to protecting workers.” said Brendan Claybaugh, acting director of OSHA’s Erie Area Office. OSHA regularly partners with unions, businesses, organizations and educational institutions to educate people about safety in the workplace. Through the alliances, OSHA hopes to improve compliance with safety regulations as well as ensure that workers understand their rights in the workplace and that employers understand their responsibilities. Participants in an OSHA alliance program do not receive any preferential treatment, exemption from OSHA inspections, or relief from enforcement efforts of any kind as a result of their participation.

OSHA rules and regulations are intended to keep workers safe in the workplace. All too often, OSHA violations lead to workplace injuries or illness. If you believe that your employer is not in compliance with OSHA safety standards, you have the right to file a complaint online, in writing or via telephone.

If you have suffered a workplace injury or illness in Pennsylvania, you may be entitled to benefits through the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system. The workers’ compensation system provides benefits to injured or ill workers regardless of whether an employer was at fault. If you have questions or concerns about your legal rights, contact the Worker’s Compensation at Shor & Levin, the Bulldog Lawyers.  Call 855-631-4782 or use our Worker’s Compensation.
